Episode 15: The Black Vote: Why is it under Attack?


Since the inception of our country, African Americans have been fighting for the right to vote.  After the U.S. Civil War African American men were given the right to vote under the 15th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution but over 100 years of Jim Crow and legalized segregation suppressed their right to vote.  Then the 1965 Voting Rights Act strengthened the laws to protect the right of African Americans to vote.  Then the attack against voting rights with Shelby v. Holder and over 389 restrictive voting laws introduced in legislatures since May 2021.  Why are voting rights under attack?  How powerful and influential is the black vote?  Join us on The ClaVille Report as we discuss this important issue and more.


Episode 16: The Judicial Branch of the United States Explained


Episode 14: Protecting the Big Lie: Voting Against the Jan. 6th Commission