Episode 17: Justice McConnell: The Lasting Impact on the Courts


Senator Mitch McConnell stated that the Federal Judiciary was his top priority.  During the Trump administration, Senator McConnell and the Republican Party were able to approve and Trump appoints almost 1/3 of the entire federal judiciary.  Three Justices were appointed to the U.S. Supreme, but overall, the Appellate and District Federal Courts were dramatically reshaped with over 223 appointees.  With the average age on the lower courts Justices being 48 years old and the U.S. Supreme Court Justices’ average age being 55 years old the impact of their decisions will last for decades.  Join us on The ClaVille Report as we discuss the impact of Mitch McConnell's plan on the Judicial Branch and the United States.


Episode 18: Covid-19 the New Normal


Episode 16: The Judicial Branch of the United States Explained